Saturday, June 2, 2012

I was given some great advice tonight from my dear friend Kate when I told her I was feeling downright stuck in my own life. I've given up too many things that make me happy and gotten lazy with all the rest. I've made my kids my world and in the meantime I've completely lost myself. Her advice was simple - don't rush yourself. Take it one step at a time and don't try to change everything at once.
Ah, she knows me so well. As I was sitting in that booth tonight sipping a Cabernet, some of my realistic and far-fetched ideas came tumbling out - I told her I'd like to start a number of different businesses related to new moms, my thoughts on teaching private yoga classes, managing people and their properties, getting paid to write my blog, being a Rodan + Fields consultant, as well as all those hobbies I love but left behind, the book club, yoga classes, trail running, and writing my blog.
Where the hell did I go? And where the heck am I trying to get to? I know better than most after losing my mom that we really don't know how long our life is going to last. So then why aren't I living my life as if each and every day may be my last? And why does it seem that everyone else around me has figured out what they're good at while I'm still trying to figure out how to channel my interests into fulfilling work that brings me ultimate happiness?
I have consciously made a choice to be a stay at home mom and my boys come first but I also know that I use them as an excuse to channel my energies away from myself because I simply still do not know what path I should pursue that will complete me. Make me wake up and say, THIS is it. This is what I should be doing.
So if you'll all bear with me, I thought I'd just start jotting down in a steam of conscious style many of the things I do feel passionate about that if channeled in the right way, could potentially become a gratifying and lucrative career some day: when I write I feel whole, when I'm in the woods I can breathe with no tension, when I cook I heal myself and my family - it's my creative outlet, hearing people's stories of love and pain, hardships and successes especially those shared with me by the elderly, infertility, postpartum depression, new mama issues I could converse on for hours, getting that trail running high, learning about stocks and bonds, being brought to tears by Vivaldi, learning the history of the country I'm visiting, getting carried away by great writing, getting my hands dirty in the soil and eating what I've grown, counseling others when my advice is sought out, easily excited by the small things in life, camping, proselytizing about the importance of moderation and respecting your body, managing another bed & breakfast and oh, this list is endless. And here's a short list of the things I dislike: technology, greed, drugs, boastfulness, laziness, hot, dry weather, living so far away from family, sameness, artificial ingredients and preservatives, fake air kisses and OMG-talking women, over consumption of anything, empty words.
I'll get there. I know I will. I'll start with baby steps. I'll see if my old book club will have me back, I'm going to be more consistent with running, I'll make the call to Littleton Adventist's marketing woman and run my business proposal by her, I'll price out business cards for teaching private yoga classes, and I'll keep reminding myself that right now I'm doing the most important job of my life, raising my boys. But it's that itch I still have in me to do more. Until I can afford to hire a life coach to help me get on the path that's right for me, I'll keep blogging about it, brainstorming ideas and throwing around the ridiculous and the realistic options. I hope Kate's right. That I'll figure out what I want to do. I've got to believe, believe, believe in myself.

1 comment:

  1. I love you friend! You're doing great! I have total and complete faith in you! Don't beat yourself up- what's the point? Keep moving forward:)p.s please keep writing- i LOVE reading your blog!
