Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Skylar turned five weeks this past Sunday and amazingly, he is already showing his personality. He squeaks, squawks, coos, whimpers, meows, sneezes, hiccups, and best of all, he now smiles these big circle smiles while squinting up his eyes. He always wants to be held - vibrate seats, swings, and play gym mats don't cut it - he wants the warmth of a body and a beating heartbeat. With a little head or back rub, Skylar can fall asleep in anyone's arms. When he's hungry, he brings his little fists up to his mouth and he looks like a squirrel nibbling on a handful of acorns. He excitedly starts kicking and waving his arms when Dax comes near and doesn't protest too much when his big brother plants a wet one on his lips or lays his hands on his cheeks. He's a light sleeper and prefers sleeping on his belly to his back just like the rest of his family. He hates being swaddled (I thought ALL babies like being swaddled!) and if a noise is more sudden than it is even loud, he jumps out of his skin. He gives his daddy a big sideways grin in the mornings when he first lays eyes on him and is ticklish everywhere, especially the neck and behind his meaty thighs. He's already growing out of newborn onesies and even 0-3 month clothing is fitting snug. His wave machine knocks him in to a deep sleep and he's learning how to push the binki (he ONLY likes the green hospital "soothies") back in to his mouth by using his fist. He's starting to rock on to his side and back and he can follow a voice or a face across the room. Of course I'm going to sound like a proud mother when I say this, but I swear he already knows his name and Dax's name and when he looks at me with those dark blue eyes, I'm sensing he understands a lot more than he's able to articulate! I can't wait to see what the next five weeks brings.

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