Friday, December 31, 2010

I've been writing down my New Year's goals since 1997 on little lined squares of card stock and keeping them in my wallet change purse. (Well, in the first few years I taped them to my office wall or the bathroom mirror, but now they stay with me). With my new system, I'm more apt to get them out and give them a look over. In the 13 years I've done this, I've almost always accomplished what I set out to do.
So with that said, this year I'm not only writing them down on paper, I'm going to jot them down here in my blog for all to read. Keep me honest guys!

1. To be the most patient mama I can be and to teach my boys to be loving, kind, adventurous, and respectful human beings. And most important, always always make time for play!

2. To lose the last eight pounds of post-pregnancy weight and to get to my optimal weight and fit level. I'm not only needing to do this for myself but for my family too.

3. To continue to stay in touch with those I love who live far away and to be open to making new friends right where I am.

4. To make more Tim and Ki time by having more date nights, a weekend or two away without the boys, and just making sure we connect every night and have that adult time our marriage craves.

5. Travel to places I've never been before (Austria, U.S. National Parks, etc.) and go back to the places I love (the Caribbean, Santa Fe, Vermont, Cape Cod . . .)

6. Start a regular YOGA practice!

7. Begin each morning with fresh squeezed lemon juice in warm water, to take my vitamins religiously, and to drink lots of water. And here is to less sugar!

8. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

9. Become an expert in something. Make a name for myself.

10. Treat myself to a few more splurgy things like hair highlights, facials, massages, clothes, products, etc.

11. Breathe away anger and replace it with acceptance.

12. Make every minute count!!!


  1. You are so amazing, Ki. You continue to inspire me with your willpower to better yourself, and your love for life and family! I am going to start on my list too. Thanks for sharing your goals with all of us!

  2. I love your list! You're a WONDERFUL person and I have no doubt you will make all of these things happen :)
