Thursday, June 24, 2010

For friends and family who don't get to see Dax every day, I wanted to post some fun "Dax-isms" for you all to enjoy and so his mama doesn't forget them!:

Dax's new thing is to pick up Tim's phone, flip it open and have a full on conversation with his pretend friend on the other line. A typical conversation goes like this, "Hi, this is Timmy. (pause) Oh no, that's terrible! Really? What are you doing this weekend? I'm playing basketballs. Ok, see ya. Bye." And with a certain degree of authority, he flips the phone closed. Conversation over.

He's a total love bug these days and tells his mama and dada every day, "I love you dada, I love you mama. I love you bear bear (Kodi). We love each other." Yes we do!

He told my Aunt Karen the last day we were at her house and packing to leave, "Karen, Karen . . . I have to get outta here."

He told the neighbors yesterday who for some reason keep mispronouncing his name, "My name is NOT Dak! It's Dax. D-A-X." He spelled it for them!

When saying goodbye to anyone, it's always the two full expressions, "See ya later alligator . . .after a while crocodile." Then he falls in to a fit of giggles.

He says to me, "Make me handsome", which means, put product in his hair. And he flirts with himself in the mirror, smiling slyly and lifting up his shoulders in that cute way. Nope, he's not vain.

When I said we were flying to California, he turned to me and asked, "Is California a girl?"

While on our nature walk this week, he said "I hear music." He was referring to the scuffle sounds he was making with his feet on the gravel. How cool is that? He hears music in just about everything. Even in the sounds a truck makes as it backs up. He hears notes!

And now everything is, "Mama, I NEED muki (milk) . . . I need ice cream NOW! I need mama."

Dax loves to talk to my "baby tummy" as he refers to it and pats and kisses my belly. He already loves his baby brother.

I was wearing these ratty old flip flops the other day and he said, "Cool shoes, mama."

When Timmy misses a shot on Dax's basketball hoop, Dax says, "Uh oh, that was terrible dada."

He's fascinated by body parts. "Does Dax have boobies?" Then he giggles and answers his own question, "Noooo, only big girls have boobies. Dax has nipples . . . and a pee pee!" Yes, you got that right Dax.

When I asked him if he knew who God was, he said, "He is grand." Wow.

When I ask him where his crocs are, or where his sippy cup is, etc., a typical response is, "Weeeelllll, it's probably upstairs. But maybe it's in the kitchen or downstairs." He just sounds like such a little adult when he answers like this.

We were sitting on the stoop and he looked at the peeling wood frame and his eyes got big and he said, "Don't want to touch that . . .could get a splinter in my finger!"

When a stranger asks him his name, he responds proudly, "I'm Dax Reed Murrell . . . I'm two years old."
Dax is 28 months old and can hold his breath under water for a few seconds (he comes up laughing!); ride his no-training wheels Strider bike down the paved driveway, feet up and totally balanced and in control as he takes the curve at the bottom; starting to keep a 1-2-3-4 rhythm on this drum set - he even did a slight drumroll the other day that I thought was Timmy, just amazing; throw the ball overhand for Kodi who retrieves it and brings it back to him to throw again; can almost do a somersault and can do crazy balancing acts between the coffee table and couch; will tell us when he needs to use the potty and will go number one and two in it but he's still not quite potty trained yet; can brush his teeth with his electric toothbrush almost better than mama can brush his teeth now; starting to learn how to get dressed - sometimes the shirt stays on the head like a turban though; can count to 15 and sing the whole ABC song, knows the lyrics and notes to more than a dozen children's songs and lullabies; has Good Night Moon memorized word for word, with a little prodding from mama; and he's a nature boy at heart - loves to smell flowers, look for ladybugs, collect cool looking sticks and stones, and listen to song birds; and counted out exactly how much cash I had in my wallet the other day - four single one dollar bills; understands that a "hitch" on the back of a car pulls a "trailer" and that cars have four wheels and motorcycles and bikes have two wheels.

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