Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ah, I'm a little over 37 weeks pregnant and as much as I want this little guy to go full term, I'm over being pregnant. I'm being punched in the gut and kicked in the ribs throughout the day and night, when I eat I immediately have acid reflux, I'm a belly sleeper so trying to sleep comfortably on my sides or back is torture, my ankles swelled for two days and looked like I had cankles, the humidity sapped my energy last week and I've got the patience of a two year old - so now Dax and I have even more in common. But I keep reminding myself that if I've made it eight months, I can make it one more. And as we get closer to the finish line, I'm getting more and more curious about what our second baby boy is going to be like, look like, and act like. Will he be another blondie like Dax or will he come out with dark hair and hazel eyes like his mama? Considering that he's much more active in the womb, does this mean he's going to be more feisty and temperamental than Dax? Will he be a trouble maker or is this heightened energy going to be channeled in a positive way? We've been very blessed to have our first son be so sweet and loving. Dax gives his family and friends kisses and hugs, he loves to cuddle and out of the blue will tell us that "we all love each other". He's never bitten or scratched anyone. He's basically an atypical 2-year-old boy. And that's what I'm worried about. Will the second be more typical - i.e. more aggressive and obstinate? Only time will tell. We're committed now and he's certainly letting us know that he's here and he's nearly ready to meet us all. I think this little guy is going to have one very huge personality and a verve for life. And we're trying to prepare ourselves for the ride!

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