Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My midwife checked me this morning and big changes have happened in just one week - I'm now 2cm dilated, the baby's head is low and it may only be a couple more days now before he arrives. I was shocked. Just last week, my uterus was posterior and it seemed like I was weeks away from delivering. But I have noticed that this little guy is moving like crazy. The Braxton Hicks last night were the strongest I'd had. He's really starting to get ready to meet us and the big big world. And I should be feeling joyous and excited but instead this amazing moment in my life is a bit tainted by something. We found out last week that our renters will not be staying till the end of October but that they are now leaving at the end of August and Tim is now scrambling to find good renters to fill their shoes. And I'm beyond stressed about it. We have a beautiful house to show but I'm worried that the competition is high in Santa Fe and landlords are competing for the few good ones that are out there. Our realtor who has been trying to sell our house has also agreed to show it to renters. That is a plus. And interestingly, he's a born again Christian and has said to Tim on a number of occasions to trust in God that everything will work out like it should. I really do want to believe that and I really do wish it were as easy as trusting but that's so hard for me to do. Don't we need to make things happen rather than standing back and trusting that the Lord will make it alright? How is this savior of ours going to find us renters for a year? But I know he's on to something because whenever I've just breathed and let go of nervous energy and angst, things do seem to work themselves out eventually. Maybe there will be a rough patch. Maybe we'll be set back financially for months to come but eventually we'll get where we need to get to, right? God, I hope so.

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