Monday, March 22, 2010

Dax has a way with words. Today I wanted to dedicate my blog to his silly, sometimes outrageous, outbursts before they're a distant memory. I could write all day - these are just some of the ones that stand out:

While in his car seat - "Mama - slooooowwww down. Driving too fast . . . dangerous!"

As Tim is leaving for work - "Dada works veeeerrry hard." What does he do Dax? "Dada works on cars, airplanes. . ." Tim's says wait till Dax discovers that his father is a Water Resources Planner and he's going to be disappointed!

If Dax sees me crying (which I often do jacked up on pregnancy hormones) - "Mama's crying, mama's sad. Mama . . . be happy!"

Tim hands Dax a sturdy plastic box that holds his fly fishing flies and Dax looks at it, turns it over and says, "so durable." We flip. But then realize, he might have said, "so adorable" - both comments still make us go "oh my gosh"!

Whenever Dax is doing something risky he says to himself in the third person, "Be careful Dax, don't fall, you might bump your head / you might hit your bum bum."

Dax has Kodi in his command - "Sit Kodi, Stay! Ok, Kodi get the stick!" And Kodi listens!

We could be in a grocery store, the library - you name it but whenever Dax has a chance to talk to a stranger, it's always about what he's going to do when he sees his grandparents in Santa Fe - "Nana, Papa Buzzy play basketball, go in wagon."

We were out for Vietnamese the other night and Dax stands up on the vinyl seat, wipes his nose on the napkin and screams at the waiter, "boogers!!" Parents are mortified.

When we're headed to the zoo and we ask Dax what he's going to see, his usual response: "Crocodiles BITE you . . . panda bears eat grass . . . beavers eat wood. . . giraffes eat crackers (they actually do at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs). Sometimes spoken in a different order.

When Dax sees any heavy equipment, he likes to explain what each one does: tractors lift dirt . . . dump trucks carry dirt . . . snowplows push snowflakes." He also loves mini loaders and concrete mixers but he doesn't have a job defined for them yet.

While hiking: Stay on the nature trail . . . or might get lost.

Dax is fascinated by the differences in boys and girls: Boys have balls. Boys have pee pees. Da da has a pee pee! Mama have a pee pee? Nooooooo, mama has a yoni (Indian/Sanscrit for vagina - I thought that was a more pleasant word.)

I already wrote this on Facebook but Dax likes to find a purse of mine, swing it over his shoulder and exclaim: Bye bye mama, going to work. See ya. Nice to meet you and/or Have a nice day!

About Kodi, our dog: Kodi barking a lot. (a few minutes later) Kodi has a tail and a little bum bum.

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