Saturday, March 13, 2010

This is going to be a short rant - promise. In the past couple of weeks, I've gotten in to conversations with female friends who are in their early to mid-thirties about the prospect of marriage and kids with the men they are dating. The women, surprise surprise, want it all and their counterparts, well, aren't as much in a rush to get there. These women may want it all but they're not ready to push for it and that worries me. I see them backing down, giving in to their boyfriend's ambivalence and even coming up with screwy ideas of how they'll raise the babies on their own but hope the guy sticks around to be their partner. What the hell girls? That's just nutty talk. I do have some experience in this area. I dated a man many years ago who could never commit to me fully. That even continued in to a short marriage with him. We hung out in this grey, undefined space together for years with the relationship never really evolving in a mature way. Why do we women sacrifice all that we want to be with a man we think we can't live without? When in reality, there are plenty of men out there who DO want what we want. Push the subject ladies. Don't be so afraid of the answer and stop putting your life on hold for someone else's. You'll soon be hitting "advanced maternal age" in the fertility world and then your chance at having kids at all shrinks drastically. Then the choice is taken away.
On a fluffier note, here's my beauty product pick for the day: Earth Science A-D-E creamy cleanser and face lotion (in almond) - the cleanser is a natural fruit oil cleanser that goes on milky and doesn't lather. Rub on a moist face and take off with warm water and a wash cloth. Most natural, organic products make me break out but this one does not. My skin feels so soft and not dried out - so key in this Colorado climate. The face lotion absorbs quickly and does not make my skin feel dirty or sticky - something I hate. This line is found at Whole Foods and Natural Grocers, to name a couple. And the price is right - both are under $10.

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